
The Life Cycle of a Republic

The survival of the West and the USA depends on a return to respect for antiquity, history, the lessons that it teaches, and a respect for deferred pleasure in turn for community, innovation, success, and Read More

google maps view of Uruguay

Uruguay – An Overview

Citizens of the USA, in general, have absolutely no comprehension of the machinations and history of the nation states of our continental neighbors to the south in Southern America. Sadly our “news media” has not Read More


Why are people brutal?

Simply put, the reason that humans are so brutal goes to a deep set of physiological factors. The Holodomor; derived from морити голодом, “to kill by starvation”, also known as the Terror-Famine and Famine-Genocide in Read More


What is Geopolitics?

Geopolitics Defined Geopolitics is a method of studying foreign policy to understand, explain and predict international political behavior through geographical variables. These include area studies, climate, topography, demography, natural resources, and applied science of the Read More


Natural (and unnatural) Selection

Governments, religious bodies, sociologists, and philosophers have debated population management, natural, and unnatural selection since the times of Socrates. Many believe that natural selection is a biological event, which it does, but that is not Read More