Survival, Altruism, and Self Interest

Beware the Idealist

Your survival, the survival of your family, friends and nation depend upon you having self-interest and the desire to protect what is worthy. You must care for yourself in order to protect others. Self-preservation is at the core of survival. Embrace it, do not be ashamed to be willing to fight for your survival. Self-immolation is self-defeating and self-destructive. Such is the edict thrust upon all Westerners every day. Resist the siren’s call. Fight for your right to be you, to do well, to win, to be the best, never fear failure, but always demand excellence.

TV hosts / anchors are hired as "talent" not journalists. They repeat selected narratives from a teleprompter and "give it life", thus repeaters. See Yellow Journalism.

Political pundits and main stream media repeaters have been preaching to Westerners for over a century. They, along with their coconspirators in certain religions and schools, have brainwashed people to follow a toxic edict. Ironically, they are the least likely to adhere to that same edict.

The edict, constructed by design, to assure your failure is a paradox. Once you embark on its prescribed path, you will fail. It is truly evil. It will draw you deeper and deeper into self-destruction. Your failure will enslave you to those imposing the edict upon you. The edict mandates that you contribute to them. You “must contribute” to atone for your failure. Finally, the edict mandates that in response to your failure you must double down on the edict’s self-destructive acts. You desperately suffer in hope of proving your worthiness.

“The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone.” ― Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism

Fulfillment of the edict is impossible. It creates a conundrum of sorts. You must commit acts which violate the edict to be able to fulfill it. The edict implores you to act in a manner whereby you overlook natural instincts. It is necessary to protect yourself in order to survive. The edict demands that you place yourself at risk in order to help others. That act, you are “taught,” is selfless, and virtuous. The edict is based upon selflessness, personified in self-destruction being virtuous. Successful fulfillment of the edict demands your own destruction as the ultimate success. The edict is paradoxical, toxic.

The edict is unbridled altruism.

“Altruism or selflessness is the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures and a core aspect of various religious traditions and secular worldviews, though the concept of "others" toward whom concern should be directed can vary among cultures and religions.” - Ayn Rand

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Altruism is the cornerstone of collectivism, communism, and socialism. They survive on the carcasses of those who were free, productive, and self-interested. Karl Marx was an advocate of selflessness. Others learned the usefulness of such a submissive position. They wanted to be the enforcers of such altruism. Marx said, "each according to his ability, each according to his need." Stalin applying that, starved 10 million to death in the Ukraine so that his people could have their land.

The Smithsonian historian Daniel Boorstin said,

"It is not skeptics or explorers but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress. No agnostic ever burned anyone at the stake or tortured a pagan, a heretic, or an unbeliever." These people look at mankind as sick and in need of drastic, painful (bloody, if need be) surgery. Coming in a close second are the true-believing zealots acting decisively in the name of the “Good and the Just;” the Inquisitor, the Secret Police. Life is cruel, and they make it crueler.

Leftists have been endlessly indoctrinating the people of successful modern Western societies in the virtue of altruism. They use the media and academia to reinforce guilt and self-loathing, a purely first world ailment. Altruistic behaviors feed on such perspectives. The problem is that the left despises the free market, free thought, and self-determination. They wish to teardown the bastions of the free market. Altruism is the ultimate weapon. Each generation that lives under the edict of self-loathing and unbridled altruism will have less, be less successful, and ultimately enslaved by those who wish to control them.

Beware of altruism. It is based on self-deception, the root of all evil. - Robert A. Heinlein

The point is not to be completely selfish. Simply put, consider the rule they teach you on the airplane. When the air masks drop it means that the cabin has depressurized. That means the oxygen content of the cabin air is not sufficient to maintain life. As a result, they give you implicit instructions to put the mask on yourself prior to helping others. That includes your children. Why? The answer is as obvious as it is simple. If you pass out you will not be able to help them. Self-interest supports aid to those in need.

During his campaign and after his election, President Donald Trump, stressed a simple mandate; “America First.” Love him or hate him facts are facts, his job is to serve the interest of the USA. He went further, while addressing some of the most influential leaders of the world, first at the UN and later in Davos, he clarified his mandate. He said, “I am the President of the United States of America, not the world. My job is to promote and fight for the interests of the USA. You are the leaders of your countries. I expect that you will do the same. If you want to trade or deal with us, we will work for a fair and equitable deal for both of us.”  America First remained his cornerstone.


“A strong man cannot help a weaker unless the weaker is willing to be helped, and even then, the weak man must become strong of himself; he must, by his own efforts, develop the strength which he admires in another. None but himself can alter his condition.” ― James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

There is something important to be learned from the aftermath of his assertion. The first to attack the President’s spoken intent to negotiate in deals favoring the interests of the USA was the US media. The media then paraded a litany of Leftist professors and pundits all condemning the idea of self-interest and US dominance all on the air and in print ad nauseum. Of course, several European, Asian, and Middle Eastern nations condemned the idea before a single deal was negotiated or even discussed. Our enemies inadvertently exposed themselves.

The USA has done many great things. We have broken and screwed up some too. Some of our politicians and our oligarchy have done worse. Ironically, the lion’s share of those lecturing US citizens of their duty to be altruistic are the same ones who have committed those acts for which we are bound to atone for. The Clintons mismanaged disaster funds funneled into their Foundation for Haiti. George H W Bush has been buying up the water rights in Paraguay to control industry and peace in the region. The CIA acting for several Presidents and administrations overthrew the leaders of countries, fomented war, assassinated people, and spied on industries for the interest of chosen companies in the USA. In balance, the USA has reaped very little benefit the for nation while altruistically bestowing over 70% of the world with the spoils of our success.

The oligarchy is a different story. They span continents and national lines. They are regularly, overtly and covertly, the spearhead of the toxic, self-loathing, guilt-tripping edict, of altruism thrust upon the citizens of free nations. While they lecture the common people in altruism they exploit those who are suffering. Then they dip into our pockets to invoke altruism to have you donate your money to the “cause.”

“Learn to value yourself, which means: fight for your happiness.”
– Ayn Rand

The USA holds no monopoly on overreach or self-interest. It is the push and pull of nation state survival. The fact is that if you compare the USA to the rest of the world we have only scraped the surface of self-interest. Nearly every nation around the world practices self-interest, it is survival. The media heralds the idea that that a nation that fights for deals in the best interest of its people and economy is simply self-destructive.



Never help others at the expense of your own safety, security, freedom, or sanity.

“You are of no use to anyone, if you are of no use to yourself © – Will Hemingway

 Helping others is humane and good for all. Never lose sight of the fact that the first person that you need to help is yourself. Self-reliance and independence requires that you take care of your needs. Once you are properly cared for by all means, feel free to help others within the length of your “cable tow”; within the scope of a person’s reasonable ability.

Your survival depends upon you taking care of you. Never be ashamed, never be embarrassed, you must be first if we are to survive. Rugged individualism, self-reliance, independent these are the virtues to live by. If we all did, there would be very few who would require an altruistic reprieve.