Q Drops

Who is Q Anon? Where do I see the Q Drops?

Will's Current Favorite Pick to Find All of the Q Anon Posts -
Q Anon Patriots Research Channel

Q Anon Postings (Total Listing of Posts)

Who is Q Anon?

Beginning in mid-October a shadowy, anonymous figure emerged on the popular blog 4-Chan. 4-Chan is a forum type social media site with segmented areas, each focused on a specific topic matter. The blogger has come to be known as Q or Q Anon. Q anon began posting cryptic messages in the form of questions and some special photos. Q has been directing people to apply critical thinking and research skills to have them "find out for themselves".  Clearly the intent of Q's "drops" is to bypass "the popular narrative", believing that if you find the truth, the (truth) facts will be self evident. Q Clearly adheres to John Locke's time tested maxim; "these truths shall be self evident." Thomas Jefferson drew heavily from Locke's treatise when writing the Declaration of Independence.

"We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident … " - from Locke's Second Treatise of Government

So, if you wish to travel down the rabbit hole, in the most Sherlockian of terms; "The Game is Afoot!" (The game: "a form of mental or physical competitive play, governed by specific rules and testing the skill, endurance, or luck of the participants.") Welcome to the world of OPs, cryptic comm, intel, and intrigue.

Jump to Conclusion

Q Anon is known to jump around on boards

Q anon’s id is Q and the trip code (a means to verify the poster) -  Q !UW.yye1fxo

The three links, immediately below, will take you to the actual raw drops on the 8chan boards, you must go to the bottom to find the most recent posts. Enjoy, broaden your mind, and educate yourself.

Q's Private Channel

Note - the posts are often deleted within 10 minutes of posting

The postings are archived on the Q Anon Patriots Research Channel  (at the top) and the Q Anon full listing site (a few links below).

Q's Common Posting Location "the Storm"


The 8 chan research channel is an uncensored, somewhat gritty, forum, extremely lively, packed with people interested in geopolitics, Q Anon, and how they mesh to affect our world. They do a lot of  research and "deep looking" into Q posts.

The link to the Q Anon Full Listing generally will have the most recent postings, all of the past postings along with correlated supporting anon decoding the drops.
Q Anon Full Listing

Q is a Department of Energy clearance designation. The Q level clearance is the most permissive level of access granted to personnel in the US Government. That access allows access to Top Secret, Secret Restricted Data, and DOE “secure” areas. Within the US security protocols high security, top secret information, is compartmentalized to provide what is referred to as fire-walling.

Q has inferred that they have Q Clearance. The answers to Q’s questions have yielded phenomenal amounts of verified data. The points divined out of the questions have predicted with exacting details corrective and offensive actions against bad actors within and outside of our government.

Beginning on my radio shoe in the early 1990’s I have been telling people that they need to mature or grow up when it comes to their understanding of the way the world works. Every time there is a major incident in the world people go into hyper mode freaking out about the problem. The same type incidents have happened many times before but they were unaware. It has been my argument that the knee-jerk reactions that come from the emotional fear-based responses to these incidents are a result of a lack of understanding and maturity in such matters. That knee-jerk reaction is a result of the Hegelian Dialectic (click here to read about it). It has always bewildered me as to how we would achieve having the mass public be taught in a way that would mature their perceptions of the world around them. So many people live with rosy colored glasses.

It appears that Q Anon is just the medicine we needed. The slow release of carefully crafted questions, not opinions, not data dumps create a scenario where in the reader is forced to Enlighten themselves through careful detailed research to understand the cryptic posts. Stunningly in this action repeated on a nearly daily basis forcing the readers to take part in the actual learning process which will mature their perceptions. In the process those worthy and willing will become significantly more aware and Adept at understanding the machinations of government and Military activities. Large groups of the population are advancing every day in ways never thought possible.



If Q Anon was exposed as a LARP (Live Action Role Play) or an AI program running, such a fact, at this point, would be irrelevant. The approach utilized by the Q posts has had an aggregate effect. It has caused people, even some dissenters, to sharpen their cognitive skills. It has made them learn through self-driven research. Practicing skills that they otherwise never would have sharpened. They have been brought willingly, by exciting their suppressed natural human curiosity, to critically learn history, culture, and much more. It has negated decades of suppression of critical thought and the wonders that such a hunger reveals.

Whatever it ends up, Q Anon has done what seemed impossible only 2 years ago. Q Anon is the Red Pill.

Q released what appears to be the abbreviated, bombshell "memo" from the Congressional subcommittee. #releasethememo . (Click Here to Read it)