Why are people brutal?

Simply put, the reason that humans are so brutal goes to a deep set of physiological factors.

The Holodomor; derived from морити голодом, "to kill by starvation", also known as the Terror-Famine and Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, and—before the widespread use of the term "Holodomor",

Self-preservation is the first factor. If you are hungry or thirsty, if your children or loved ones are, you will rationalize many behaviors that you would otherwise view as repugnant. We see this play out during times of crisis. During one of the most horrendous times in history; Joseph Stalin oversaw one of the worst genocides in the history of mankind. The Communist/Socialist regime used starvation as a weapon against the people of Ukraine. It was so bad that the Soviet government posted posters imploring the people to not eat their children. Estimates reveal that they caused 7 to 10 million Ukrainians to starve to death between 1932 and 1933. The people turned to eating their dead, even killing their children to eat them. Unfortunately, there are many other instances of similar human suffering, the majority of them under the stewardship of collectivism/Socialist/Communist governments.

It is language which binds us together. It underpins the creation of customs, common experiences, and in turn establishes a hierarchical system and rules. Without language we digress into hungry scared creatures scraping for food. Without language, we as human revert to what I have coined Will’s Proverb #9; basic human traits: lazy, greedy, and violent. All humans are inherently. We begin lazy. We see others have things that we want (greed). We want it so much that we take it (violent). Refer to Will's Proverb #9.

No matter how far that we advance from the root human tendencies they remain just beneath the surface. The further we get from our liberty, freedom, and safety being threatened, the more powerful and protected that people perceive themselves to be. It becomes more likely that they will digress into selfish destructive behaviors. Excessive regulation provokes similar responses.

Individualism is great but, if people are to survive and attain greatness they must learn to interact with each other in a civil manner. Unfortunately, the social constructs created by religion has often caused the failure and collapse of great nations. Well read students of history have seen the effects of unbridled altruism on great nations. There is a balance that must be struck. Finding that balance is elusive.

Click here to read our article on Machiavelli.

Click here to read our article on Guarding Yourself from Manipulation

It is worth reading two of Nicolo Machiavelli’s treatise:

  • “The Prince” Click here for the PDF


  • “On the Art of War”


Machiavelli is known as the "Father of Modern Political Theory". His divergence of political/social morals from religion may have some value in this discussion.


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