Executive Summary
Successful societies are afforded the opportunity to consider long term planning issues instead of basic acts of self-preservation. Their influential “thinkers” and their governing bodies begin to encroach slowly into every area of society and the private lives and actions of its citizen / subjects. Given the freedom to micromanage, inevitably the consideration rapidly moves into the dangerous area of applying artificial means with the intent of manipulating a nation’s population.
Over the past 2000 years, governments and cultures manipulated and even suppressed populations for the sole intent of asserting the power of one group of people over another. From India to Greece, China, Rome, Christian Europe, to the United Nations, many have tampered with the natural forces that alter populations and their growth or decline for power and influence.
Understanding the importance of healthy population management is the key to making a great nation and culture endure millennia instead of centuries. We will expound upon population management in several future articles.
Population growth, decline, and manipulation
Natural and unnatural selection has played a large part in the topic of population control / management. There are also many instances of outright genocide. Sadly, some of the most advanced cultures and nations have failed to maintain a balance between progress, success, and the survival of a race or culture. Checkout the related posting in this section Natural (and unnatural) Selection
Nations stand together as a civil society based upon common ground. Emile Durkheim wrote a very thoughtful and enlightening treatise on the subject. Read more on PracticeSurvival.com Maintaining a “cohesive social network” is what binds a nation. That solidarity is what holds a people together, not by color of skin, religion, or ethnicity, it is by a common language and culture. Throughout the ages great nation have fallen. There were three common reasons that they fell from greatness.
- Destruction by a predatory adversary
- They succumbed to mob rule (shifted from a Representative Republic to a Democracy)
- one person, one vote
- Greece and Rome fell after they changed forms of government
- Declining birth rate as result of peace and success
- When you are constantly at war or in pestilence you must have a lot of children, since many will die young or at war.
- When peace settles in the wake of success, people dedicate their efforts to other pursuits. The birth rate declines (generally) in direct relation to the affluence and social status of the citizens. There are many examples in micro environments such as ghettos, favelas, the Hamptons, Ventura, etc.
- The final fatal act of these cultures is that in their desperation to maintain a labor force, the nation eases immigration restrictions, originally created to protect the national culture.
- The result of the loose migration controls is that large numbers of people immigrate into the host nation. They do not assimilate, they work and send most of their income via remittance back to their families in their home nation. Over time the immigrants rejecting the host nation’s culture, customs, and laws begins to shift the culture of the host nation, weakening it and eventually destroying it. Japan is a perfect example of this principle. Many sociologists project that as soon as 2026 there will be less Japanese people in Japan than immigrants.
- one person, one vote
The mass majority of the author’s close friends and social circle are of another culture, nation, or ethnicity. The author respects alternative perspectives and cultures. There are so many wonderful things that peoples of different cultures can learn from and share with each other.
The point of this article is not anti-immigration, it is pro-cultural preservation. Western nations over the past 60 years have largely adopted a mindset that revering and promoting their cultural heritage and identity is shameful and wrong. The truth is that doing so is the responsibility and mandate of every worthy citizen of a free nation. It is crucial to maintain a “cohesive social network”. There are many people with loud voices in the media and education system throughout the Western nations, as well as the UN who celebrate scenario number three (delineated in the list above). We must guard against such mindsets at all costs. Ignore their destructive mindset at the peril of yourself and your children’s children.
Innovation, technological advances, improved health, quality of life, and so much more are the product of successful, civilized societies, bound together as a nation through a common language, culture, ethics, virtues, and lands. Those are facts to celebrate, not deplore, be proud.
If nations and cultures of civilized societies do not pay attention to, nurture, and protect the uniqueness of their cultures we will all pay a massive price in the loss of great nations, their cultures, and their contributions to the world at large.
Concerns and efforts to manipulate population growth, reduction, and decline are all luxuries afforded to only prosperous nations. Nations embroiled in endless civil wars, conflicts, and pestilence are plagued with problems ranging from famine, food and potable water shortages, epidemics, and other health factors. When nations reach a general level of success they are afforded the ability to, as governing bodies,
China, recently eased, but did not eliminate their one-child policy. The penalties for failure to comply, according to international human rights agencies, were quite draconian. Recently, the Chinese government altered the rule to create the two-child policy, under strict governmental oversight.
Almost 2000 years ago, the Indian philosopher and political strategist Chanakya (c. 350-283 BC) expounded upon the idea that population was a source of economic, political, and military power. In fact, he believed that a region that failed to have a large population was weak and evil.
Failure to manage a nation's population, immigration, and assimilation of the same is an existential threat to the security of the nation and the survival of the culture.
Assimilation is the key, culture is shared across all identities when people speak the same language and share the same customs, virtues, and ethics.