We began a conversation about population management and its importance to the survival of cultures, nations, and even entire races of people in the article entitled; Population Planning, Control, Immigration, and Cultural Destruction. The author realizes that the topic, in the 15 second sound bite view will trigger many. Some people will even be scared. In a world where successful “free nations” have the luxury to micromanage everything, it is understandable that people might be concerned about the idea of a government or a group of “elite / intelligentsia” “conspiring” to manipulate the population of a nation. The gentry class want a poor underclass who will work, long, hard, for low wages to fuel profits and secure the gentry class' power.
A nation is not defined by it's zip code or lines on a map. A nation is defined by its culture, heritage, language, and customs shared by the majority of its people. A nation and its people are also bound together by its laws. Together creating a cohesive group of people, a nation, sharing not just an address but culture, as a group, together. WH
Nothing is as it appears. There are dirty little secrets behind the desire of nations to accept immigrants and promote population growth.
The fact is that nations have risen and fallen because they overlooked the necessity to preserve the integrity of their culture, heritage, language, and customs. The reality is, like it or not, nice or not, self-preservation is natural, fair, and a worthy pursuit.
China has masterfully exploited our slide into social liberalism. While they chastise and lecture us about being open and tolerant, they quietly have implemented a plan of financial subjugation and electoral manipulation that has now positioned them in a place of significant influence and power in every corner of the planet. They have locked deals for natural resources, while influencing elections in places like Africa, South, Central America, and even Europe. They have taken control of, and expanded shipping and potential military bases all over the world. They are an existential threat to the free world. See
A balanced and forward-thinking plan reflective of nation state's population is critical to its long-term survival.
Immigration unchecked and without mandatory performance and assimilation mandates are represent an existential threat to the national culture.
We will delve into analysis of the issues at hand, a like titled section also may be found in the Threat Sitreps area of the site highlighting specific related incidents and critical stories of the day. That section will highlight headline stories and critical indicators in real-time.
More shortly this article is in the editing phase.