Governments, religious bodies, sociologists, and philosophers have debated population management, natural, and unnatural selection since the times of Socrates.
Many believe that natural selection is a biological event, which it does, but that is not its only form. There are many types, some incidental, some nefarious, and some cases where the culture or society misses the warning signs of their own demise.
Natural (and unnatural) Selection
- War, Genocide, and Pestilence
- Predatory attacks by foreign forces diminish the specific culture of people
- Governmental “Population Control”
- Engineered famine (Potato famine in Ireland and Ukraine by Stalin)
- Laws limiting reproduction (China)
- Resource reduction to provoke starvation, impotence, and abstinence
- Success in free nations
- The more successful, the higher the intellect and achievements
- The higher the intellect/education the lower the birthrate
- Eventually the lesser intellect outnumbers those with high intellect through breeding
A recent study from England utilizing a very large sampling found evidence of the problems that advanced, educated nations face.
Natural Selection in Modern Humans (UK; N ≈ 500,000) …
- Traits currently favored by selection:
- Younger age at first birth in females
- Higher BMI in males
- Lesser traits are being selected against: Intelligence; educational achievement
The study data came from the UK Biobank, which contains genetic and medical data from half a million people. Positive values mean an association with successful reproduction; negative ones the opposite. The analysis of the data indicates that genetic factors which contribute to intelligence and educational achievement are not leading factors by natural selection.
The same issues that we see in survival skills and traits emerge in this study of reproductive success. The more successful a nation becomes, the further the individual citizens are insulated from the harsh realities that those who created their wealth and success endured to deliver that gift. There are many instances of this around the world. The more time that people are able to spend in pursuit of self-gratification and the finer things of life, they lose the skills that it takes to maintain those trappings. They begin to spend so much time intellectualizing matters of moral import that they become passive and then submissive. History tells the tales of the rise and fall of many a great technologically advance nation.
Machiavelli’s principles immediately leap to my mind. I recommend a quick look at our primer on Machiavelli. Click Here.
If you value your culture, your nation, your liberty, and freedoms, then you should acquaint yourself with Machiavelli, Population Management, the Hegelian Dialectic, and more. Many of the important tools to manage this problem may be found in’s Critical Analysis Category.