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USA – We are Our Own Worst Enemy

We are our own worst enemy. Our government, the President and his administration work to formulate strategies, negotiate complicated agreements, make diplomatic inroads and our military walks the tightrope of mission dynamics. Meanwhile, members of our own team shortsightedly destroy all of that good work in moments.

The press and those who hate George W. Bush because he is a Republican and conservative continue to accentuate the negative. They have an agenda that they wish to promote. That’s fine, as long as you identify the information as such. They say that it is news. They say that they are unbiased. OK, right. History says different. I am not whining, it is just important to understand the source in order to digest the information received.

The incident on September 20, 2003 in the Baghdad Zoo is a case in point. (click here to read Reuters story) The US Military and the President have been taking grief over the civilian conflicts and public relations issues in postwar Iraq. Critics said that the USA had no plan for postwar Iraq. They say that it is the President’s fault that that the Iraqi’s hate us, that Arabs hate us, that terrorists hate us.

Any action that we take is a risk. We risk criticism and condemnation. Even when we chose to do nothing we risk the same. No matter what the President, any President, does they will be criticized. One can only hope that the President and their administration will act with the best intentions to further our nation’s interest and the security and prosperity of its citizens. )

Welcome to management. The problem is think how difficult such a problem would be when the only mechanism for such reporting hated you, loathed your existence and wished for you termination. That is the problem that this misfits have created for George W. Bush.

This incident has nothing to do with the plan or policy of postwar Iraq. But you will be hard pressed to figure that out by the time the press and opponents are done with it.

As complicated as this “game” of strategy is, it is the unexpected, the incalculable that is most difficult to plan for. All of the criticism of the administration regarding the postwar plan fails to recognize this factor. Critique of plans is constructive. Criticism of the team and its ability to respond to those unplanned problems is valid. Criticizing a team for being proactive, planning, adapting and reacting is just wrong. Forget politics, if you are honest that is what you hope for. Rapid, decisive action. Access, modify, adapt, that is the key to survival.

The next time you listen to a commentary on the President and his Administration’s failures in Iraq, remember a bunch of “guys”, US Military, drinking beer and feeding Bengal tigers. Think how you would feel and what you would think after all of that wrangling, when you read of them shooting a Bengal tiger. Imagine knowing that all of the good work that you had done, the successes of the same military personnel, it was all just trashed by a moment of ignorance and stupidity. Then think about how that moment will never be told and how they will just say you failed.

Criticism is fair and useful as long as it is based on all of the facts and viewed as a means for betterment. The nine little dwarfs, the primary candidates for the Democrat Presidential slot will use this to show the President’s failure in Iraq. Really, those idiots, under the influence of alcohol failed they failed our President and this nation.

Too hard on them? Really?

  • Let’s say that you are hired to maintain a race car. It is in the public eye every day. The sponsors pay a lot of money to have that car represent them everyday. If the car looks bad or breaks down it will hurt their standing in the business. You put in long hours, hard work and great effort to make sure that car is ready for every day. You are being paid to do that.
  • You are tired and want to unwind a bit, so you knock off a few six packs with your friends. You want to blow off a little steam so you take you friends to the shop to show off the car. While you are doing it you start it up for them to let them feel the power. After a few more beers, you decide to take the car for a spin and show them how fast it is. You blow the engine, the car lists and you hit a telephone pole. You all leave, go home and say nothing. The next morning, your boss arrives, throngs of people are outside of the shop waiting to see the car, thousands are gathering at the track hoping to see the car win. Suddenly the boss sees the car is missing and finds out shortly after that the car is destroyed. This moment is crucial. The boss must act to limit the damage inflicted by persons that he trusted and relied upon. He must explain the situation, maintain team dignity, limit the loss of public and sponsor confidence and articulate a plan to remediate the problem.


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