Starting with the prophet Mohammed's earliest campaigns, small groups followers, driven by religious zeal and displaying no interest in the welfare of others, have ruthlessly attacked and rocked societies and governments large and small. The attacks first reached highs in the early middle ages. Muslim terrorists attacked Muslim and Christian states in the near east for nearly two hundred years. The word assassin was borne from these acts.
The problem for the victim states was that the Assassins were not part of an army. They were young men, specially chosen for their zeal for radical Islam. Holed up in the mountains of Iran and Syria they slipped in amongst their targets killing Christian and Muslim alike.
Marco Polo, the most famous medieval European traveler recorded stories about one of the top Assassins. He dubbed him “the Old Man of the Mountain”. His stronghold was a castle located in the mountains northwest of Tehran in Iran. He was said to maintain a stable of young men between the ages of 12 and 20 years old. He filled their heads with stories the wonders of soldiering and the riches of paradise in heaven. He would send them to assassinate governmental leaders and important people with promises of paradise and angels. The M.O. was assassinate the target with high visibility. Killing them in broad daylight, in front of as many people as possible.
The Assassin's reign of terror lasted until the Mongol invasions in the 13th century.
The top assassins and Bin Laden both exploit the poor economic, social and education of the Middle East. While condemning the “Rulers of all the Arab Nations” he has no intent to bring the citizens out of this state. Such an act would be counter productive. It would reduce their popularity and appeal. Their sworn enemies are heavily weighted with those who would bring education, technological advancement, and freedoms to these troubled people. These enemies are not limited the the rich Arab monarchs, Israel, the USA and England. In fact the truth is the only non-enemies to them are those within their inner circle.
These modern day Assassins twist and take out of context passages from the Koran. They do this in the same way that the Pope and the Catholic church's Inquisition justified its acts by quoting from the Gospels. The roots of the Assassins and their acts can be traced back to the pre-Islamic east. The period is regularly referred to as Manichæism. (Manichæism is a religion founded by the Persian Mani in the latter half of the third century. It purported to be the true synthesis of all the religious systems then known, and actually consisted of Zoroastrian Dualism, Babylonian folklore, Buddhist ethics, and some small and superficial, additions of Christian elements.) For more click here.
Manichæism was named after an Iranian known as Mani or Manes. He lived in third-century. He taught his followers “the universe is in the grip of an uncontrollable darkness and evil which must be fought so that fragments of good or light might rise to heaven, and the world come to its merciful end”.
The insurgents parroted those words at the Mecca mosque in 1979. During the funerals of the Iranians who died in the war with Iraq in the 1980’s. We heard those words again Bin Laden’s videotaped speeches from Afghanistan.
Mani was arrested in Iran around 270 AD. According to the Arab historian Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni, the shah condemned him to death. The language the shah used ring true today, "This man has come forward calling people to destroy the world. It will be necessary to begin by destroying him, before anything of his plans should be realized."
Study history or history will repeat itself.
Will Hemingway