Will’s Bio

Will's Bio
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SurviveWithWill.com  is the personal site for Will; the Founder of PracticeSurvival.com. Will brings a unique perspective to the conversation about survival, prepping and general personal safety and security issues in the world. Most of the sites on the internet regarding these topics begin with references to military, law enforcement and some type of martial arts or hand to hand combat scenario and expertise. Will’s sites come from knowledge and experience in the field but a more considered, intellectual and proactive approach. Below is a brief Bio outlining what forms the basis for his approach.

Will has a great deal of respect and first hand experience with military, law enforcement and physical combat specialties. Everyone has their own spin on life, and like most things there is more than one route that takes you to the same destination. The difference is the way and you get there, how many scars you get along the way and what is most comfortable and likely to work for that individual.

A Brief Overview of Will MCNameTag320x39widebevel

Will’s Bio will be here shortly, it currently being reviewed and edited..

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