Panama & COSCO

The turnover of the Panama Canal may turn out be to one of most foolish strategic blunders in the history of the USA. The canal itself is  the major shipping way for all goods transported by ship between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. It was paid for with the funding and the lives of many Americans, we paid dearly for the canal yet we are quote giving it back. Giving it back !!!! Do you give back your car or your house after you bought it, maintained it, built it???? What crap !!!

Well, now it is under the control of COSCO Group who according to our own government acknowledges that the management of the company is directly connected to the Red Chinese (communist) Government. Now thanks to unusual special treatment from Bill Clinton they have control of both ends of the Canal. Imagine what a bargaining chip that would be for the Chinese. They have placed, by most estimates, 37,000 Red Chinese military troops at each end of the Canal. If we were involved in a conflict with China, for example a dispute over North Korea’s Nukes or the spy plane and personnel that went down, where would we be? and our economic well being? If they closed down the Canal?  Oooo there’s a thought !! Oooops! Well, I guess that we could negotiate !!!  Arghhh!!!!

The whole thing goes back to the issue surrounding the campaign finance scandal linking Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Charlie Trie and Johnny Chung.(updated 2017) Read the article on UK Daily Mail

The original article has been deleted: Read Johnny Chung’s testimony on

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